Wednesday, July 31, 2013


August knocked at my door,
Without an Irish coffee,
that table and my book of poetry.
Words replaced by smiles.
Picture frames in the attic.
Conversations don't ring anymore.
If silences could weave a poetry,
You would hear some music tonight.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The familiar sketch,
beside the table.
A warm and cozy feeling.
And they didn't matter.
For the sign
calmed the storm.
The touch soothed
the desires.
Words opposite
yet thirst quenched.
Certainity in uncertainity
The heart danced in anxiety

Miles in between,
words keep company.
The flickering screens.

I feel your heart beating
and your attempt
to not keep me waiting

As we look at each other
trying to celebrate
what we feel for one another

There is distance
and time wont help
the day closes as mine begins

And we hold on to the tears,
the longing and smile
and the next day appears

the screens flicker
Miles in between 
words continue to accompany.